President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness: EB-5 talk minimal but supportive on today’s panel

President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness: EB-5 talk minimal but supportive on today’s panel

Not too much substance from the President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness on the proposed changes to EB-5 ...
President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness: EB-5 announcement from USCIS at 1 PM EST

President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness: EB-5 announcement from USCIS at 1 PM EST

A note from USCIS yesterday and article in WSJ this morning confirms that USCIS Director Alejandro Mayorkas will ...
“SelectUSA” – new Dept of Commerce initiative, EB-5 compatible

“SelectUSA” – new Dept of Commerce initiative, EB-5 compatible

I encourage all readers to check out the new U.S. Department of Commerce initiative called ...
IIUSA EB-5 International Investment & Economic Development Forum is only a month away!

IIUSA EB-5 International Investment & Economic Development Forum is only a month away!

A month remains until we at IIUSA host the 1st annual IIUSA EB-5 International Investment & Economic ...
IIUSA advocacy, events, and membership flyers!

IIUSA advocacy, events, and membership flyers!

IIUSA has recently put together a couple of great flyers about current initiatives and upcoming events.  Check ...
THE BIGGEST EB-5 event of the summer!  Join IIUSA August 11-12 in Seattle, WA

THE BIGGEST EB-5 event of the summer! Join IIUSA August 11-12 in Seattle, WA

I am most pleased to report that we are expecting to host the biggest, most diverse EB-5 and international ...
White House Council of Economic Advisors likes FDI too!

White House Council of Economic Advisors likes FDI too!

Soon after the U.S. Department of Commerce, Economics & Statistics Administration (ESA) issued their report on ...
EB-5 Capital is U.S. job creating, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

EB-5 Capital is U.S. job creating, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

The U.S. Department of Commerce, Economics & Statistics Administration (ESA) issued a report last week on ...
Upcoming IIUSA EB-5 Events

Upcoming IIUSA EB-5 Events

IIUSA has a number of upcoming events, as follows:         07/06/2011: IIUSA/ABIL EB-5 ...
Bloomberg article highlights EB-5 Reg Ctr Program, quotes IIUSA and its Members

Bloomberg article highlights EB-5 Reg Ctr Program, quotes IIUSA and its Members

Last week, Bloomberg News published an article about the EB-5 Regional Center Program, creating U.S. jobs and ...
USCIS Offers Proposal for Improvements to EB-5 Program

USCIS Offers Proposal for Improvements to EB-5 Program

IIUSA is pleased to announce that yesterday, after much feedback and interaction with IIUSA and other Program ...
EB-5 Regional Center Development in Former Pabst Brew House and Mill House

EB-5 Regional Center Development in Former Pabst Brew House and Mill House

Tom Daykin of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel recently detailed the U.S. Customs and Immigration Services (USCIS) ...





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