IIUSA celebrates its member’s success at the annual I-829 awards during the EB-5 Industry Forum in Miami, FL | October 2017
IIUSA’s is excited to announce that the I-829 Awards are back! At this year’s EB-5 Industry Forum in Seattle, WA we will recognize member Regional Centers that received I-829 approvals in FY2018 and/or FY2019.
If your Regional Center received I-829 approvals since October 2017, please let us know by filling out this form and tell us about your achievements so we can celebrate your success.
After IIUSA staff receives your completed form, we will reach out to receive documentation verifying your I-829 approvals. Awards will only be distributed to Regional Centers that are able to provide verification and that are IIUSA members.
We look forward to welcoming the EB-5 industry to Seattle for what is already shaping up to be a great event. If you have any questions on the I-829 awards or the EB-5 Industry Forum please contact Mckenzie Penton directly or give us a call at (202) 795-9667.
Not Yet an IIUSA Member?
You can ensure that your regional center’s success is highlighted at this year’s event! All you need to do is join IIUSA, the one and only trade association for the EB-5 Regional Center Industry, in advance of the I-829 awards ceremony. You can explore the new and improved IIUSA member benefits here.