It is going to take both unprecedented resources and engagement in the political system by EB-5 Regional Center industry stakeholders to get through the fast approaching “sunset date” of September 30 for the Program. IIUSA estimates that over the next year, approximately $1M will be needed for IIUSA advocacy operations that include outside lobbying and public affairs counsel and activities. This is what it takes ensure the EB-5 Regional Center Program not only continues, but also has opportunity for sustainable growth in the years ahead.
In order to rise to the challenge, IIUSA is pleased to rollout an enhanced referral program that rewards cash contributions and new member and/or fund contribution referrals towards enhanced membership categories. You now can become a Program Champion, through April 2017 at whatever level possible by referring or directly contributing funds commensurate with the total amount. Annual, semi-annual, quarterly, bi-monthly, and/or monthly payment plans are available with credits (15%) or rebates (10%) on amount contributed by October 2016 built in as an extra incentive
Now you have the opportunity to be recognized as an IIUSA Program Champion – in addition to earning up to 50% off membership dues – for referring partners, clients or other EB-5 industry participants who are not yet IIUSA Members to join the association. For example, to reach the President’s Advisory Council ($30,000 contribution) a company can now allocate referral credits to cover portions that they do not pay themselves.
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Why become a Program Champion by Contributing to the IIUSA Leadership Fund?
With your support, IIUSA continues to provide comprehensive public affairs representation, develop professional best practices, compile data-driven policy analysis, and retain top notch outside counsel that reflects and advocates for the strategic needs and perspective of our diverse industry.
Furthermore, organizations who contribute to IIUSA’s Leadership Fund are recognized on
webpage as well as in publications – like our industry-leading quarterly magazine Regional Center Business Journal (RCBJ) – and at IIUSA events (conferences, trade missions, etc.). Additional benefits to being a Program Champion include exclusive logo use, additional discounts on products, All-Access Pass membership enhancement, and advertising space in the Chinese language version of the RCBJ that reaches over 400+ industry stakeholders, including migration agents, law firms and partner organizations, in EB-5’s largest investor market.
Commit to IIUSA Leadership Today!
In the critical months ahead your continued leadership is essential to the collective success of the EB-5 Regional Center industry seeing its policy priorities become law. We hope you will take advantage of this new referral program to get engaged with IIUSA and your industry peers in aligning the resources necessary for reauthorization of the Program in 2016 and beyond. Please contact us to make your commitment to EB-5 leadership today! We look forward to working with you in the coming months.