House Scheduled to Vote on 3 Year Reauthorization of EB-5 Regional Center Program Tomorrow (Tues) – Contact Congress!

09.10.12 | Archived

The U.S. House of Representatives reconvenes this week, with a 3 year reauthorization of the EB-5 Regional Center Program on the “suspension of the rules” calendar for tomorrow (Tuesday 9/11/12).  Please contact your representative in the House TODAY (using IIUSA’s 375+ signatory letter to House leadership) and request that they vote “YES” on S. 3245 when it comes up for vote TOMORROW!

The Senate aleady passed S. 3245 (on 8/2/12), meaning after the House acts tomorrow the legislation will head to President Obama’s desk for signature.  IIUSA will keep you updated as we move forward into the final stages of the legislative process.

Thank you for all of the time, effort, and resources you put into EB-5 Regional Center Program advocacy!  We are so close to making it official thanks to our collective work.


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