Understanding the New EB-5 Regulations: New Webinar Now Available in IIUSA EB-5 Education Library

A new e-learning resource is now available to EB-5 stakeholders. A webinar-style course, Understanding the New EB-5 Regulations, discusses the regulatory changes made to the EB-5 Program effective November 21, 2019 and what these changes mean for the industry today and in the future. Expert panelists analyze the immigration, securities, and business aspects of these changes and how they impact investors, projects, and the industry as a whole.

The association’s Best Practices Committee began the idea and process of curating educational tools two years ago that has evolved into IIUSA’s newest resource, the EB-5 Education Library. In addition to the newest course, Understanding the New EB-5 Regulations, a host of other resources and courses are also available in the library. These range from EB-5 Basics, to past conference panel recordings, to webinars giving insight on investor markets.

In the coming months, IIUSA will continue to add new courses to keep you up to date and engaged with the industry, especially during this time of home confinement for most due to COVID-19. Be sure to check the IIUSA blog, social media, and the EB-5 Education Library itself to catch the latest additions to this digital resource.

IIUSA members are entitled to various discounts on all of the courses. To find the discount codes, visit the Discount Codes page of the IIUSA Member Portal.

Any questions about the Education Library or discount codes can be directed to IIUSA’s Director of Education and Professional Development, Ashley Sanislo Casey, at [email protected].


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