Terminated Regional Centers Page Added to USCIS.gov – IIUSA All Access Pass Resources Provide Comprehensive Analysis

01.20.15 | Archived

Last week, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) created a new webpage to list all 16 terminated EB-5 Regional Centers, their termination date and state(s) served. The page notes that USCIS may terminate a regional center’s participation in the Immigrant Investor Program when the regional center fails to:

  • Submit Form I-924A on an annual basis, on a cumulative basis and/or as otherwise requested by USCIS to demonstrate continued eligibility; or
  • Promote economic growth as required.

On the December 5, 2014 USCIS EB-5 Stakeholder Engagement (read summary here or listen here), EB-5 Program Chief Nicholas Colucci noted that from the federal fiscal year ended September 30, 2014 (FY-2014), of the nearly 600 designated Regional Centers, USCIS terminated 7 RCs for failure to file I-924A and is still reviewing responses to 28 notices of intent to terminate regional centers it claimed no longer served to promote the economies of their areas.

Of the 16 Regional Centers that have been terminated by USCIS, none have been IIUSA members.

All Access Pass Gives Members Access To Regional Center Notices of Intent to Terminate (NOITs) & Final Termination Letters 

IIUSA has improved the All Access Pass for 2015 to include (aside from its comprehensive EB-5 webinar/video library) Regional Center NOITs and Final Termination Letters. Currently, IIUSA has USCIS documentation from six Regional Centers and expects to receive further disclosures in coming months. You must be an All Access Pass holder to access over 100+ pages of documentation relating to these notices, as well as a comprehensive data report including the number of months from issuance of the NOIT to Final Termination and the number of months the Regional Center remained approved until final termination.

IIUSA also produced a new report on Regional Center designations, exclusive to All Access Pass holders. This report includes a breakdown of all 619 USCIS-designated Regional Centers across the country – 250 of whom are IIUSA members – which detail the apporoval dates, states served, approved geography, approved industries and economic models.

You can read more about the All Access Pass here. With questions, please contact us as [email protected].


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