Notice: IIUSA Does Not Sell Attendee Information

08.16.23 | Membership

Dear EB-5 Stakeholders,

It has come to our attention that a company unaffiliated with IIUSA is emailing members and non-members offering to sell contact lists for our event attendees. Rest assure, IIUSA will never sell your information and this email did not come from us.

In an effort to quell this nuisance, we ask if you do receive an email similar to the one shown below to please mark it as spam then delete it. Additionally, IIUSA sent them a cease and desist letter which will hopefully stop the emails entirely.

If you have any questions about IIUSA’s use of your information, please do not hesitate to reach out to use. Again, this company does not have our event contact lists and they are in no way connected to our organization.

Thank you for your continued support.

– IIUSA Staff


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