Last Chance to Submit an Article for the IIUSA Regional Center Business Journal

This fall IIUSA will be going to print on the next edition of its Regional Center Business Journal. With recent changes announced for the EB-5 Program, this edition will be of critical importance as the industry looks to its leader in EB-5 education for timely insights and guidance. If you have an exciting, unique and thought-provoking topic that you think is imperative for the industry to read about, we invite you to submit a proposal following the submission standards.

This is a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate your expertise to hundreds of print readers and thousands more digital readers. Don’t miss your chance to have your article highlighted at IIUSA’s 9th Annual EB-5 Industry Forum, where the Q3-4 edition will be distributed to 300+ EB-5 industry professionals.

Our print deadline is fast upon us, so all article proposals are due no later than Wednesday, August 7. Any questions on articles or submission standards can be directed to IIUSA Director of Education and Professional Development, Ashley Sanislo Casey, at [email protected]

Advertise and Highlight your Services to Attendees of the EB-5 Industry Forum

With the magazine being distributed at the upcoming EB-5 Industry Forum in Seattle, WA, purchasing an advertisement is an excellent way to highlight your services to stakeholders from throughout the industry. Explore the IIUSA media kit and pricing guide here. If you have questions on advertising please contact McKenzie Penton at [email protected].


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