IIUSA Leadership Circle Convenes During a Busy Week in DC

Earlier this week, members of the IIUSA Leadership Circle from around the country convened for the association’s second annual Leadership Summit in Washington, DC. Although planned meetings on Capitol Hill were curtailed by budget debates and not knowing whether the government would shut down, the Summit gave IIUSA Leaders an opportunity to take a deep dive into association operations and priorities.

Prior to coming to Washington, DC, Leaders were divided into working groups to tackle some issues and opportunities important to IIUSA. Each working group presented their thoughts on key topics including:

  1. Membership development
  2. Educational initiatives
  3. Event strategies and growth
  4. Data collection and analytics
  5. Government affairs and advocacy

The highlight of the event, for many, came when Dr. Michael Hanley, a Data Scientist with the Department of State, gave attendees a look behind the curtain at the workings of the State Department and its visa issuance calculations.

Coming out of the discussion IIUSA staff and the membership at large have a lot to work and a lot to look forward to. With the EB-5 industry once again growing, the association looks forward to acting as the focal point for all things EB-5.

Department of State Data Scientist Dr. Michael Hanley presents exclusive data points to members of the IIUSA Leadership Circle in Washington, DC on October 3rd, 2023.


Join the Leadership Circle and Add your Voice to the Discussion

Members of the Leadership Circle help formulate IIUSA’s core initiatives in government/public affairs, participate in deliberations on internal and external association policy issues, and benefit from consistent, real-time updates on important industry developments.

IIUSA’s Advisory Board, the “Leadership Circle,” consists of industry leaders who have used their success within the EB-5 Regional Center Program to support IIUSA at the highest levels.

For more information about joining the IIUSA Leadership Circle, please email info@iiusa.org or call (202) 795-9667.






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