USCIS published quarterly statistics for all application and petition form types for the third quarter (Q3) in fiscal year (FY) 2022, including the latest data between July 1st and September 30th for Form I-526, Form I-829, Form I-924, and Form I-924A.
With this new dataset, we are now able to review the trends of Form I-526 statistics between April 1 and June 30, 2022 after the EB-5 Regional Center Program was reauthorized by Congress. IIUSA produced a comprehensive data report (members-only) to inform our stakeholders of the latest trends for Form I-526, including the demands for EB-5, the adjudication of I-526 cases, the average approval rates, and the current I-526 case backlog at USCIS.

(Form I-526 Statistics by Quarter by Fiscal Year)
Form I-526 Filings:
- A total of 641 EB-5 investors filed their I-526 petition in the first three quarters of fiscal year (FY) 2022 (October 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022) with only 32 Form I-526 petitions filed during Q3 FY2022 after the Regional Center Program was reauthorized.
Form I-526 Adjudications:
USCIS adjudicated only 668 I-526 cases in the first three quarters of FY2022, down by 76% from the same time period in FY2021. The major decline in Form I-526 adjudication volume was due to the fact that USCIS paused the processing of I-526 cases affiliated with an approved regional center during the lapse of the Regional Center Program.
- 455 I-526 cases were processed in Q3 FY2022 after the Regional Center Program was reauthorized, increasing by nearly 200% from the last quarter
Form I-526 Approval Rate:
Although the average approval rate of I-526 petitions increased “significantly” after the Regional Center Program was reauthorized (from only 33% in Q2 to 58% in Q3 FY2022), it was still much lower than the long-term average level (75%).
Form I-526 Backlog:
At the end of Q3 FY2022 (June 30, 2022), 12,988 I-526 cases were still pending at USCIS and awaiting adjudication.
For more in-depth data analyses, download the full report here (Members Only)
Key I-526 statistics and data trends, all at your fingertips:
This new online tool features historical trends of the demand for the EB-5 Program and the most up-to-date statistics on Form I-526 petitions, including:
- Estimated amount of EB-5 investment inflows to the U.S. economy;
- Number of I-526 petitions filed by EB-5 investors;
- USCIS’s productivity in processing I-526 cases;
- Average approval rates for I-526 petitions; and
- The latest news and analyses regarding USCIS adjudication trends;
Add this new interactive I-526 Data Dashboard to your bookmark and stay up-to-date with the key statistics most relevant to EB-5 investors.