The 10th Annual Invest in the USA (IIUSA) Membership Meeting will be held on April 13th from 8:30-11:30 am EST at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill, across the street from IIUSA’s headquarter offices. The membership meeting is part of IIUSA’s 8th Annual EB-5 Regional Economic Development Advocacy Conference (April 12-14) which is an opportunity for the entire EB-5 industry to hear directly from the federal government on the future of the Program.
This year’s event is especially noteworthy as it represents an invaluable opportunity for EB-5 stakeholders to have their voices heard by Congressional lawmakers in advance of the EB-5 Regional Center Program’s “sunset date” of September 30, 2015. It is imperative that your local representatives are profoundly aware that their constituents are experiencing real-world impact from EB-5 Program’s investment dollars including increases jobs and tax revenue and economic revitalization.
Sign up before Friday February 6th to take advantage of early bird pricing ($750 after 2/6).
Meeting Agenda
- Welcoming Remarks from K. David Andersson, IIUSA President: “State of the Association & Industry”
- Guest of Honor (TBA)
- Vote on Committee Recommendations
Any recommended revisions to IIUSA’s bylaws will be voted upon during theMembership Meeting.*
*Note: If you have any recommended revision to the bylaws, they must be submitted in writing by February 27, 2015 (e-mail [email protected]) for consideration by the Bylaws Committee. The bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the members present, and subsequent 2/3 vote of Regional Centermembers present at the Membership Meeting. All other committee recommendations are approved by majority vote.
- Committee Reports
Are you interested in serving on an IIUSA Committee in 2015-2016?IIUSA has several standing committees and are always looking for volunteers. Use the link below to express your interest in serving the EB-5 Regional Center industry by volunteering for a committee and/or recommend the creation of a new one.
- Officer & Director Elections
The following Officers (1-year term) are up for re-election:
- K. David Andersson, President (2010-current) Whatcom Opportunities Regional Center & Northwest EB-5 Regional Center
- Robert C. Divine, Vice President (2010-current), Baker Donelson Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC
- Robert G. Honts, Secretary-Treasurer (2010-current); Texas Lone Star Enterprises
The following Directors (3-year terms) are up for re-election:
- George Ekins (2012-current) American Dream Fund (ADF)
- Daniel J. Healy (2012-current) Civitas Capital Group
- Robert Kraft (2014-current) FirstPathway Partners
- Chris Marlin (2014-current) Lennar International
To nominate someone (including yourself) for any of the positions cited above, please complete the form linked to below:
The IIUSA Nominations Committee “shall consider and recommend one or more candidates qualified to serve in each Officer and Director position to be filled at the next annual meeting. The report and recommendations of the Nominating Committee shall be in writing and circulated to all members with the duly required notice for the annual meeting at least two (2) weeks in advance of the applicable Annual Meeting.” IIUSA members may also make nominations (including self) from the floor of the annual meeting to contest any seat.
IIUSA’s 8th Annual EB-5 Regional Economic Development Advocacy Conference
Did you realize the 8th Annual EB-5 Advocacy Conference is
less than 10 weeks away? This is a friendly reminder to
reserve your spot at this year’s annual event. Join us to celebrate IIUSA’s 10-year anniversary as an organization and help us advocate for Program reauthorization!
The conference begins on Sunday afternoon
April 12th with IIUSA committee meetings followed by an evening reception within the exhibit hall. Fly into our nation’s capital, enjoy the
world-famous cherry blossoms and gather with industry colleagues, old & new friends in a relaxed atmosphere.
Monday April 13th is action-packed, beginning with IIUSA’s 10th Annual Membership Meeting in the morning. Important Association business is on the docket including addresses from IIUSA officers, elections for directorship positions, committee reports (Association Building, Banking, Best Practices, Compliance, Editorial, Investor Markets, Membership, Public Policy, Public Relations, Technology) and more.
In the afternoon and evening, you will hear directly from the Federal government including Congressional leaders on the prospects for reauthorization of the EB-5 Regional Center Program ahead of theSeptember 30th “sunset” date. The agenda will also consist of special keynote panels on trending EB-5 topics. A special evening reception, entertainment and cocktails will be provided for the entire expected group of 400+ EB-5 stakeholders.
On Tuesday Aprils 14th, programming continues with a morning session of notable keynote speaker and panels, meetings (set-up on your own) on Capitol Hill with your congressional offices followed by committee chair orientation (by invite only) and a rooftop reception atop the IIUSA offices (open to all conference attendees) .
Interested in Sponsoring or Exhibiting?
Only 10 Booths Remain – Reserve Your Spot Today!
Would you like your booth to have an edge? Become a Constitution Platinum sponsor and take advantage of extra four feet of exhibiting space (10 feet vs. standard 6 feet for all other exhibitors) – among other benefits. Special pricing is available on “alternative sponsorship” such as Membership Meeting, Multimedia, Mobile App, Photo-booth, Wifi sponsors for those who reserve their place as Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze levels. |
Sponsors & exhibitors at this year’s event will have two+ days to showcase their services to a wide range of EB-5 stakeholders.
A total of 27 booths (10 left) will comprise the exhibit hall – the scene for two receptions and a bevy of networking opportunities. All booth assignments are decided on a first-come-first-serve based on sponsorship level. The booth selection process will take place in March. Each table is 6′ in length, however Platinum sponsors have 10′ of exhibiting space.
Non-exhibiting sponsorship opportunities such as wifi, multimedia, mobile app & membership meeting sponsors are also available. Exhibitors can earn 15% off these alternative sponsorship.
With questions, contact IIUSA Associate Director of Marketing and Communications Coordinator Allen Wolff,
[email protected].
Conference Sponsors
Constitution Platinum
Lincoln Gold
Capitol Silver
Jefferson Bronze
Membership Meeting Sponsor
Photo Booth Sponsor