Communicate your NAICS Codes Issues in USCIS Adjudications to IIUSA Today

05.15.13 | Archived

IIUSA has received word from our members of many of issues with USCIS regarding North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes on I-526, I-829, and I-924 petitions.  Furthermore, at a recent public appearance USCIS Senior Counsel to the Director, Rob Silvers, indicated that USCIS is actively reviewing its policy of utilizing NAICS codes in the adjudicate process.

If you are experiencing – or have experienced – such issues, please send your stories to IIUSA by emailing [email protected].  Communicating your concerns is the first step towards educating IIUSA with anecdotes that can be aggregated into a dataset, analyzed, and considered as a policy issue by IIUSA that hopefully leads to correcting the issues and making your adjudication process as smooth as possible.

EMAIL YOUR STORIES TO [email protected] TODAY!


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