CIS Ombudsman Annual Conference Next Week (11/6) Will Discuss Immigration Challenges faced by Individuals, Families & Employers

10.31.14 | Archived

The Office of the CIS Ombudsman invites stakeholders to its Fourth Annual Conference, titled “Government and Stakeholders Working Together to Improve Immigration Services,” on November 6th at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. The event is schedules from 8:30am to 4:30 pm and

This conference provides a forum to exchange ideas and suggestions on the current legal immigration challenges faced by individuals, families, and employers with leaders from across the government, non-governmental organizations and the private sector.

If you would like to attend, please register by emailing your name, title, business/organization/agency affiliation, and phone number to[email protected] with “Annual Conference” in the subject line. Registration will remain open until all registration slots are full.
For more information on the Ombudsman Annual Conference, including archives blog posts, teleconference and more, visit


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