IIUSA recently launched the EB-5 Basics Module, an online, self-administered course that provides foundational EB-5 knowledge for newcomers to the industry. The EB-5 Basics Module is available to IIUSA members and their employees for $50.00 through your IIUSA member portal account at www.iiusa.org.
In the few weeks the module has been live, we have received great feedback on its ability to quickly and easily onboard new employees or help others who don’t work regularly in EB-5 to better their understanding of the Program and industry.
If anyone in your office is considering taking the course, below are some important steps to help make accessing the module as easy as possible.
Access the Basics Module in 4 Easy Steps!
- Member portal login – This is the most important step. Whoever will be taking the module needs their own IIUSA Member Portal login. If they do not have an account, please email [email protected].
- Purchase the Module – Using the students own portal login, purchase the module here.
- Confirm your email – The student will receive an email asking to confirm their email address. Once this is done, they will receive an activation link.
- Activate – An activation link will be sent and the student has 30 days to complete the module and successfully pass the quizzes.
This may seem like a lot of steps, but the most important point is that each student needs his/her own login. After that is set up, the process is simple with easy-to-follow instructions provided along the way. We are excited to be able to offer this important EB-5 basics education to all members to quickly onboard new staff so you and your employees can focus on driving your business.
If you have questions on the IIUSA Basics Module please email IIUSA Director of Education Ashely Casey, [email protected] or give us a call at (202) 795-9664.