Invest in the USA (IIUSA) continues to work diligently with our champions on Capitol Hill and industry partners to reauthorize the EB-5 Regional Center Program and improve its benefits to American communities. In the negotiations, it is easy at times to get lost in the specifics of the Program and various operational nuances.
However, it is important to note the EB-5 Program is an exceedingly valuable economic development engine that has been utilized to create American jobs and fund thousands of development projects in communities across the country. To put it into perspective, the current lapse of the Program puts at least $15 billion in capital investment and nearly 500,000 American jobs in jeopardy. The Program is critically important – now more so than ever – to aid in the nation’s economic recovery.
Accordingly, IIUSA developed the data report below which highlights the impact that the current Program lapse has on jobs, investment, and good-faith investors. We look now to Congress to preserve and improve the many benefits of the EB-5 Program.
What’s at Stake with EB-5 Reauthorization?
485,800 AMERICAN Jobs
$15,216,600,000 in Capital Investment
32,500 Investors
To learn more about how you can help IIUSA’s advocacy efforts please email us at [email protected] or visit the Coalition to Save and Create Jobs website.
All EB-5 industry stakeholders are invited and encouraged to support IIUSA in our work by joining the association as a member. You can learn more about membership and complete an online application here. We look forward to working with all industry professionals to ensure this valuable job creation program is saved and improved upon.