Final 2015 Issue of IIUSA’s Quarterly Magazine, “The Regional Center Business Journal,” Now Available!

12.29.14 | Archived

IIUSA’s 8th issue (vol. 2 issue #4) of the Regional Center Business Journal will be hitting mailbox in the coming weeks and we would like to thank our members for helping us deliver up-to-date information on EB-5 advocacy, research and analysis through this medium.

This final edition of the Regional Center Business Journal for 2014 certainly captures the whirlwind sensation that arises from a rapidly-growing industryhitting a milestone that just a few years ago seemed to be light years away.This edition includes excellent year-in-review presentations that reveal a dizzying array of events and developments in the EB-5 industry.

Below are a listing of key articles in the upcoming issue, which you can view by clicking the magazine cover to the right. Additionally, all seven previous issues of the RCBJ on the magazine tab on (click here).

  • Year-In-Review Government Affairs Timeline
  • 2014: A Hallmark Year of Growth & Progress For the EB-5 Industry
  • Year in Quotes: Program Champions Convey Broad-based Support for EB-5 Investment
  • EB-5 Market Exchange Event Summary
  • Self-Regulation of the EB-5 Industry: IIUSA Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct
  • Material Change During EB-5 Retrogression
  • Alternative Energy: Impact Investment with EB-5 Immigrant Investor Capital
  • 2014 USCIS EB-5 Adjudicator Training Materials
  • A Comparison of States’ Approaches to Targeted Employment Area (TEA) Certification
  • EB-5 Data: Unprecedented growth of the EB-5 Regional Center Industry

International Perspectives:

  • IIUSA in China: 2014 Year in Review

As a way of saying thanks for your continued support, we provide our members with an exclusive avenue for broadcasting their message to a targeted audience of EB-5 industry professionals from across sectors (private sector industry participants, interest groups, Congressional offices, federal/state/local government agencies) and several countries around the world. The incredible value in these advertisements rests in the publication’s circulation to 2000+ of these leading professionals, providing you with the necessary exposure to reach every corner of the industry. The Journal is also available online, ensuring your message is seen by an even broader audience.

Pricing & Rates

Advertise with IIUSA for as little as $300 per issue for quarter page ads, to $1,000 for full pagers. To view the different options and prices, click here. Special deals apply to those who purchase a “bundle” four advertisements over the calendar year.


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