USCIS receives highest quarterly filing volume of Form I-956F applications in Q2 FY2024 – IIUSA Report on Forms I-956, I-956F, I-956G, I-956H, and I-956K

The most recent data published by USCIS regarding Form I-956 (Application for Regional Center Designation), Form I-956F (Application for Approval of an Investment in a Commercial Enterprise), Form I-956G (Regional Center Annual Statement), Form I-956H (Bona Fides of Persons Involved with Regional Center Program), and Form I-956K (Registration for Direct and Third-Party Promoters) sheds light on the latest trends for the first half of FY2024 in EB-5 regional center (re)designations, the number of EB-5 projects available in the market, and USCIS’s adjudications of these new regional center-related applications.


Highlights of our data analysis include:

  • USCIS received a total of 109 Form I-956 applications seeking regional center (re)designation during the first half of FY2024.
  • USCIS has sped up the adjudication of I-956 applications in the first half of FY2024, processing 163 I-956s between Q1 and Q2.
  • Approval rate of I-956 applications was 94% in the first half of FY2024.
  • An increasing number of new projects have been filed in recent quarters, with 88 I-956F applications submitted in Q2 FY2024 — the highest filing volume in a single quarter since the enactment of the RIA.
  • In Q2 FY2024, median processing times were 14 months for I-956’s and 7 months for I-956F’s. 
  • In FY2024, 499 regional centers submitted their Form I-956G annual statements to USCIS, while over 660 approved regional centers were listed on the USCIS website.
  • Since the publication of the new Form I-956K in January 2023, 951 individuals have filed the form and registered with USCIS.

(Form I-956F Application for Approval of an Investment in a NCE)


For more in-depth data analyses for the regional center related trends, download the full report here (Members Only)




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