The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) announced that updated multipliers from the Regional Input-Output Modeling System (RIMS II) are now available. The updated RIMS II multipliers are based off the 2007 national benchmark input-output data and 2015 regional data. The multipliers are available for purchase at
RIMS II is a regional economic model tool used by investors, planners, and elected officials to objectively assess the potential economic impacts of various projects. This model produces multipliers that are used in economic impact studies to estimate the total impact of a project on a region.
RIMS II, is commonly used to estimate how an initial change in economic activity, such as an increase in exports of a local business, will affect the spending and hiring decisions of other local businesses. RIMS II input-output multipliers show how local demand shocks affect total gross output, value added, earnings, and employment in the region.
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