Sign Up Today for the EB-5 Regional Economic Development Advocacy Conference: Early Bird Deadline Ends February 6th!

01.13.15 | Archived

The EB-5 Regional Economic Development Advocacy Conference, hosted each spring in Washington, D.C. by Invest in the USA (IIUSA), is the longest running EB-5 conference attended by international investment and economic development professionals from around the world. Join us from April 12-14, 2015 to commemorate IIUSA’s 10-year anniversary as the industry trade association and the recent relocation of its headquarter offices to Washington D.C. The Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill will be the setting for this cutting-edge event combining the right balance of grassroots advocacy, advanced education, and business development opportunities.

At last year’s sold-out conference, IIUSA debuted the theme “EB-5 is Working” – a testament to the community-altering economic impact that EB-5 investment is responsible for all around the country. Attended by 450+ from five countries, the conference featured three keynote addresses from Congressional leaders, speakers representing five federal agencies, and eight comprehensive panels on trending EB-5 topics.IIUSA’s Annual Membership Meeting on April 12th will kick off the festivities. President K. David Andersson will deliver the State of the Association address and committee chairs will report on their collective work throughout 2014-2015. The meeting also includes director elections & other internal association business.

This year’s event is especially noteworthy as it represents an invaluable opportunity for EB-5 stakeholders to have their voices heard by Congressional lawmakers in advance of the EB-5 Regional Center Program’s “sunset date” of September 30, 2015. It is imperative that your local representatives are profoundly aware that their constituents are experiencing real-world impact from EB-5 Program’s investment dollars including increases jobs and tax revenue and economic revitalization.

Sign up before February 6th to take advantage of the early bird rate. We look forward to welcoming you to our nation’s capitol for what promises to be the EB-5 Conference of year!

Interested in Sponsoring or Exhibiting?


Sponsors & exhibitors at this year’s event will have three days to showcase their services to a wide range of EB-5 stakeholders. 

There are over 40 total booth available that will be decided on a first-come-first-serve based on sponsorship level. The booth selection process will take place in March. Each table is 6′ in length. Non-exhibiting sponsorship opportunities such as wifi, multimedia, mobile app & membership meeting sponsors are also available. Exhibitors can earn 15% off these alternative sponsorships.


With questions, contact IIUSA Marketing/Communications Coordinator Allen Wolff,


View the Official Photo Gallery of the May 2014 EB-5 Regional Economic Development Advocacy Conference (Click Here (1) (2) (3))!

IIUSA President David Andersson addresses the membership at the annual membership meeting, May 7, 2014. 

Patrick Leahy, Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, addresses the IIUSA membership on the success of the EB-5 program in the State of Vermont. 

IIUSA Executive Director Peter D. Joseph greets USCIS Immigrant Investor Program Office Director, Nicholas Colucci (left) and Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (right) supports of a permanent EB-5  Regional Center Program


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