New RIMS II Multipliers AvailableNew Regional Input-Output Modeling System (RIMS II) multipliers will be available on November 18, 2015. The multipliers will be based on 2007 national benchmark input-output data and 2013 regional data, and they will be available for 369 detailed industries and 64 industry aggregates.
Multipliers may be ordered by region or industry:
For more information, please contact the RIMS II staff at 202-606-5343 or rims@bea.
2014 IMPLAN Data Now AvailableIMPLAN recently announced the release of the 2014 Annual Data. Please see below for the highlights and all the details: County Changes Bedford City, Virginia (State FIPS 51, County FIPS 515) changed from independent city status to town status and was added to Bedford County (State FIPS 51, County FIPS 019), effective July 1, 2013. Improved Employment and Labor Income Methodology
We inquired with the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) about the difference between their Regional Economic Accounts (REA) state-level wage and salary employment (SA27) and the Bureau of Labor Statistic (BLS)’s Census of Employment and Wages (CEW) wage and salary employment counts for the few industries where there is a significant difference but which the BLS does not acknowledge any coverage gap – Fishing/Hunting/Trapping, Membership Organizations, and Private Education (the BLS does acknowledge a coverage gap with military, private households, farms, and railroads). We were informed that BEA upwardly adjusts the employment and income estimates for these sectors due to coverage gaps. Thus, we now adjust these IMPLAN sectors according to state-specific REA/CEW ratios. Commuter Flows We obtained new Journey-To-Work data from the 2009-2013 American Community Survey and have incorporated it into the 2014 IMPLAN data. Incorporating BEA data into the farm sectors We added a control of the sum of our state-level estimates to BEA’s national estimates for the value of crop sales. The Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Economic Research Service, and the Census of Agriculture continue to be our primary data sources for estimating state- and county-level agricultural output.