Earlier this month, IIUSA hosted its 16th Annual Membership Meeting. At the meeting, members heard from the 2021 Board of Directors and Officers nominees as they explained their goals for the association and the industry in the months and years ahead and why the membership should elect them to their respective leadership position.
It was a dynamic, experienced, and diverse group of nominees this year and we are proud to have all of them as members of IIUSA and for their desire to run for a position on the association’s Board.
The IIUSA membership had a week to electronically cast its votes following the live, virtual membership meeting held on May 4, 2021. Members casted votes for four open Director seats and all three Officers positions and we are pleased to announce the following members to fill these seats:

Thank you to all of this year’s nominees for your interest in running for IIUSA’s Board of Directors. Also, thank you to our Nominating Committee for their thoughtful work to put forth qualified nominees for this year’s slate. And finally, thank you to IIUSA’s members for your participation in this year’s election and for taking the time to cast your votes.