Take Advantage of IIUSA’s Vast Library of EB-5 Webinars, Video & Research with the All Access Pass

12.09.14 | Archived

Purchase Today – $1,200 Through December 31, 2015

As the EB-5 Regional Center Program’s trade association and industry representative, it is our obligation to keep our members informed and empowered with all of the latest industry news and developments that is backed by thorough analysis of comprehensive data. Everyday we strive to provide you and your organization with all of the tools and insights needed to succeed in the marketplace. Thanks to your support, we have some exciting announcements on the way for 2015.

In 2014, IIUSA introduced the “All-Access Pass” (or “AAP”) at the recommendation of the Membership Committee. AAP holders were in turn introduced to the most comprehensive collection of EB-5 intelligence available including:

  • Automatic registration for all 12 IIUSA monthly webinars (save time and money!)
  • Access to a growing library of OnDemand video EB-5 content including past webinars (which now total 14 webinars & 35 2013/2014 conference sessions!)
  • Most recent comprehensive, peer-reviewed EB-5 economic impact reports (normally on sale on IIUSA marketplace!)
  • Raw data and analysis on industry trends ranging from investor origin to USCIS adjudication (see the datasets that inform IIUSA’s industry research!)

The good news is the All Access Pass is getting even better in 2015! 

In addition to all of the benefits detailed above, IIUSA is proud to announce the following additions underway for AAP benefits in 2015:


  • Regional Center “data tracker” reports featuring aggregated reporting on all Regional Centers’ annual I-924A filings (which have 526 and/or 829 approvals and market share of 526/829 filings by year) and designations/amendments (approval date, geographic/industry scope, economic model)
  • I-829 request for evidence (RFE)/denial raw data and report (2011-2013) – the data behind IIUSA’s three volume analysis on this topic
  • Notice of Intent to Terminate (NOITs) and final termination notices on file for terminated Regional Centers
  • Notices/reports of Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) enforcement actions on against Regional Centers

AAP pass holders are guaranteeing themselves and their staff (new and old) have access to the latest industry intelligence, saving time and money by automating their webinar registration, integrating the resources into their employee training, and much more.

Join the ranks of All-Access Pass holders today! Purchase here.


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